Source The United Nations
Media – Security Council briefing by Caroline Ziadeh, Special Representative of the Secretary-General for Kosovo and Head of the United Nations Interim Administration Mission in Kosovo (UNMIK), on the situation in Kosovo.
“The major events on 24 September exacerbated an already deteriorating security environment, characterized by an atmosphere of mutual suspicion and contradictory perceptions touching much of the population, especially in northern Kosovo and among Kosovo-Serb communities elsewhere in Kosovo.”
“We should keep in mind that failure of achieving political compromise will continue to adversely impact the well-being of ordinary people, yes, ordinary people, including their ability to receive basic services and realize their socio-economic potential.
“Tension, isolation, and growing lack of trust in political leaders to address peoples’ most immediate interests and legitimate grievances witnessed these past months; and worse, the resort to violence and intimidation by those of ill-will; threaten the hard-won gains achieved through the EU-facilitated dialogue. Responsible leadership and compromise are required to return to a more productive political process.”