Media – The Wonosobo Class II Non-TPI Immigration Office held a farewell event to welcome the Head of the Non-TPI Class II Immigration Office in the Hall of the Wonosobo Immigration Office Building on Thursday (26/10).
Head of the Class II Non TPI Wonosobo Immigration Office, Ari Widodo, received a promotion to Head of the Class I Non TPI Pemalang Immigration Office.
His position was replaced by K.A Halim who previously served as Head of the TPI Atambua Class II Immigration Office.
The Farewell and Welcome activity was attended directly by the Forkopimda of Wonosobo Regency, namely the Regent of Wonosobo, Dandim 0707/Wonosobo, the Head of the Wonosobo Police, the Head of the Wonosobo Prosecutor’s Office, representatives of the Wonosobo District Government OPD, heads of vertical agencies such as the Head of the Wonosobo District Court, the Head of the Wonosobo Religious Court, the Head of the Wonosobo Ministry of Religion, the Head of Basarnas Wonosobo, Karutan Wonosobo, the Regent of Purworejo represented by the Head of PMPTSP, Kodim 0705 Magelang, Magelang Police, J.B Soedirman Air Base, Head of the Purbalinga District Court, BUMN, BUMD Wonosobo and other invited guests.
In his speech, the Regent of Wonosobo, Afif Nur Hidayat appreciated the performance and cooperation that exists between the Wonosobo Regency Government and the Wonosobo Immigration Office through the passport issuance service for Wonosobo Regency Hajj pilgrims.
The Regent of Wonosobo hopes that the synergy that has existed between the Forkopimda of Wonosobo Regency and the ranks of the Wonosobo Immigration Office can continue to be established and improved further under Mr. Halim’s leadership.