How can we Protect & Restore Nature?

Source The Earthshot Prize


Media – The Earthshot Prize has been to designed to find and grow the solutions that will repair our planet this decade. Almost everything we do has a carbon footprint, and that carbon is destabilising our planet. Our 3 Protect & Restore Nature finalists have developed incredible solutions that will help the natural world recover.

Over the last ten years, the evidence that we face urgent challenges to protect the environment has become indisputable, and itā€™s clear that the time to act is now. Drawing inspiration from the concept of moonshots, which since the moon landing in 1969 has become shorthand to talk about the most ambitious and ground-breaking goals, Prince William announced The Earthshot Prize: an ambitious set of challenges to inspire a decade of action to repair the planet.

We believe in the power of human ingenuity to prove to us all that the seemingly impossible is possible.

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