By the Jakarta Journalists Forum
JAKARTA | In accordance with the Journalistic Code of Ethics, the mass media, both print, online, radio and television, still have the right to report on matters related to the Islamic Defenders Front (FPI). That was the Chairman of the Press Council Muhammad Nuh.

“The press still has the right to report, as long as the coverage meets the Journalistic Code of Ethics,” said Nuh when contacted by reporters, Friday (1/1/2021).

The statement was made by the Chairman of the Press Council following the announcement from the National Police Chief, General Idham Azis, regarding the recommendation to prohibit activities, use of symbols and attributes as well as to terminate FPI activities. One of the points in the edict asks the public not to access and disseminate content related to FPI.
The announcement issued by the Head of the Indonesian Police, General Idham Aziz, is about compliance with the prohibition of activities, the use of symbols and attributes and the termination of FPI activities.
It was stated that the Declaration was issued to provide protection and ensure the safety and security of the community after the dissolution of FPI and the prohibition of activities including prohibiting the use of FPI symbols and attributes.
“The public also supervises not accessing, uploading, disseminating FPI-related content either through websites or social media,” wrote in point 2 (d) the announcement signed by the Chief of Police, Idham Aziz today, Friday (1/1/2021).
Meanwhile, in the third point it is written, “that an incident was found to be contrary to this decree, every member of the INP is obliged to take the necessary action in accordance with the provisions of the regulations, or the discretion of the Police.
Separately, the Chairman of the Jakarta Journalists Forum (FWJ), Mustofa Hadi Karya, who is usually called Opan, agreed with the comments of the Head of the Press Council, Muhammad Nuh. He considered the Press to have the Lexpecial Law Number 40 of 1999.
Opan continued, the Chief of Police’s announcement and comments were limited to appeals that had levels below the Fatwa. As long as FPI’s reporting is not provocative and is in line with the flow of the control function by looking at the points of the journalist’s code of ethics, it is legal.
“The press is independent, and the press does not take sides with anyone. Regarding the announcement of the Chief of Police regarding the prohibition of FPI content on Social Media, it is the same as silencing information and education that the press has freedom in reporting to the extent that it does not violate journalists’ code of ethics. FB, WhatsApp groups, IG, Twitter, and the like. “Said Opan during an internal discussion in Jakarta, Friday (1/1/2021) afternoon.
However, Opan respects and appreciates the Chief of Police’s Decree as a form of alert response in maintaining order and security in society.