Visiting the Indonesian Ulema Council (MUI), the National Police Chief Wants to Strengthen Friendship

Source Indonesian Police Public Relations Division


JAKARTA, Media – National Police Chief, General Police Drs. Listyo Sigit Prabowo paid a working visit to the residence of the General Chairman of the Indonesian Ulema Council (MUI) Mr. Miftachul Akhyar.

The arrival of the National Police Chief tonight in order to continue the relationship with the Ulama and Mass Organizations. During his visit tonight, the National Police Chief was accompanied by the Deputy Chief of Defense and Security for the Police, the Dirtipidter for the Criminal Investigation Unit of the Police, and Karo Korwas for PPNS, Bareskrim Polri.

In his remarks, the General Chairperson of the MUI congratulated the Chief of Police and Associate Officers. Apologies due to the busy agenda, so the meeting was held at the residence of the MUI Chairperson.

“I am very happy to be visited by the Chief of Police, apologize for the busy agenda of activities so this gathering will be held tonight at my residence,” said K.H. Miftachul Akhyar.

“We don’t have the courage to go anywhere, before meeting with Pak Kyai. Our arrival is to stay in touch tonight, in order to maintain friendship, and we Polri certainly cannot work alone, the need for synergy and cooperation between the National Police and the Ulama. the stability of kamtibmas. In addition, we also ask for input and direction from Mr. Kyai, regarding how the Polri is expected by the community. Of course we need correction and we cannot judge ourselves, someone needs to correct and evaluate among them from the Ulama. ” Said the Chief of Police, General Police Drs. Listyo Sigit, M.Si.

This activity was then continued with internal talks. Then the gathering ended with the Handover of a Souvenir by the Chief of Police to the General Chairperson of the MUI. On this occasion, the Chairman of MUI was accompanied by the Chairperson of the MUI for Fatwa Affairs, Dr. H. Asrorun Niam Sholeh, M.A.

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