Media –  Head of the National Narcotics Agency of the Republic of Indonesia, Dr. Petrus Reinhard Golose received the handover of the Master CD (compact disk) Video Clip of the song “War On Drugs” which was submitted directly by its creator, namely Imaniar through Imaniar Production in Lido, Sukabumi, West Java, Wednesday (24/3/2021).

Imaniar along with the Head of the South Jakarta National Narcotics Agency Dikdik Kusnadi and representatives from the Relasindo Foundation Amran Rusnadi, ST gave an explanation regarding the process of making the song and the choreography of the tiktok “War On Drugs”.

According to Imaniar, the making of the song “War On Drugs” is a form of conveying the potential of Indonesian musicians to provide an understanding to the wider community about the dangers of drugs.
“Our goal is only one, we want to always convey our potential in the field of music, and hopefully we can convey an understanding of the dangers of drugs, fighting drugs together, and Indonesia can shine (Indonesia is clean of drugs),” said Imaniar.

Imaniar also explained about the making of the song “War On Drugs” which was made suddenly. Imaniar made a song with his younger brother Iwang Noorsaid and Neo (rapper) within 3 days. “Even though it is simple, the results are very good and extraordinary” said Imaniar.

Imaniar was very grateful to be met with the Head of the National Narcotics Agency for South Jakarta, Dikdik Kusnadi and representatives from Relasindo Foundation Amran Rusnadi, ST who supported Imaniar in making the song “War On Drugs” and hoped this song would become a bridge for understanding the dangers of narcotics, especially among young people. .

Then followed by the appearance of the songwriter, Imaniar who is one of the famous female singers in Indonesia, Neo (rapper), along with the tiktok dancer, performing the song “War on Drugs” with tiktok choreography in front of the Head of the National Narcotics Agency and his staff.

The song launching event also coincided with the Coordination Meeting and Signing of the BNN RI Performance Agreement in 2021, so that the launching of the song and Tiktok “War On Drugs” became even more lively. (NP / RK)


in Indonesian

Media – Kepala Badan Narkotika Nasional RI Dr. Petrus Reinhard Golose menerima penyerahan Master CD (compact disk) Video Klip lagu “War On Drugs” yang diserahkan langsung oleh penciptanya, yaitu Imaniar melalui Imaniar Production di Lido, Sukabumi, Jawa Barat, Rabu (24/3/2021).

Imaniar beserta Kepala Badan Narkotika Nasional Kota Jakarta Selatan Dikdik Kusnadi dan perwakilan dari Relasindo Foundation Amran Rusnadi, ST memberikan penjelasan terkait proses pembuatan lagu dan koreografi tiktok “War On Drugs”.

Menurut Imaniar, pembuatan lagu “War On Drugs” ini merupakan salah satu bentuk penyampaian potensi musik dari musisi Indonesia untuk memberikan pemahaman kepada masyarakat luas mengenai bahaya narkoba.
“Tujuan kami cuma satu, kami ingin selalu menyampaikan potensi kami di bidang musik, dan mudah-mudahan bisa menyampaikan pemahaman bahaya narkoba, memerangi bersama narkoba, dan Indonesia bisa bersinar (Indonesia bersih narkoba),” kata Imaniar.

Imaniar pun menjelaskan mengenai pembuatan lagu “War On Drugs” yang di buat secara mendadak. Imaniar membuat lagu bersama adiknya Iwang Noorsaid, dan Neo (rapper) dalam tempo 3 hari. “Walaupun sederhana tapi hasilnya sangat bagus dan luar biasa” ujar imaniar.

Imaniar pun sangat bersyukur dipertemukan dengan Kepala Badan Narkotika Nasional Kota Jakarta Selatan Dikdik Kusnadi dan perwakilan dari Relasindo Foundation Amran Rusnadi, ST yang mendukung Imaniar dalam pembuatan lagu “War On Drugs” dan berharap lagu ini menjadi jembatan untuk pemahaman bahaya narkotika terutama di kalangan anak muda.

Kemudian dilanjutkan dengan penampilan sang pencipta lagu, Imaniar yang merupakan salah seorang penyanyi wanita terkenal di Indonesia, Neo (rapper), beserta tiktok dancer, membawakan lagu “War on Drugs” dengan koreografi tiktok di depan Kepala Badan Narkotika Nasional beserta jajarannya.

Acara launching lagu ini juga bertepatan dengan Rapat Koordinasi dan Penandatangan Perjanjian Kinerja BNN RI Tahun 2021, sehingga acara launching Lagu dan Tiktok “War On Drugs” menjadi lebih meriah. (NP/RK)


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