Source The United Nations
Media – Briefing by António Guterres, United Nations Secretary-General, on strengthening the role of the African State in addressing global security and development challenges, during the Security Council, 9633rd meeting.
“Mr. President, Excellencies, I thank Mozambique for bringing us together to discuss Africa’s critical role in maintaining peace and security. Today’s discussion is about peace in Africa itself — but also strengthening Africa’s role in peace and development globally. Excellencies, Africa is an important voice for the global good. The continent is home to many examples of unity and solidarity in a fractured world.
We see this unity in Africa’s focus on ending poverty and hunger, supporting refugees fleeing across borders, and achieving sustainable development. And we see it in the continent’s efforts to work together to build a modern, diverse, innovative and powerful continental economy to benefit all Africans. From the African Union’s Agenda 2063 and the African Continental Free Trade Area. To African countries leading the way on renewable energy systems like solar and wind — a continent with the potential to become a renewable energy superpower.
To Africa’s bold calls for reforming the global financial architecture so it better serves and represents the countries who need it most. Mr. President, All of these efforts require peace in Africa and beyond. Too many Africans are caught up in the hell of conflicts, or living with the relentless danger of terrorism and violent extremism in their communities. From the countries of the Sahel rocked by unconstitutional changes of government, uncertain political transitions, and a growing terrorist threat.
To the spread of terrorism and violent extremism in the Lake Chad Basin, Somalia and elsewhere. To the continued violence in the Democratic Republic of the Congo and the Horn of Africa. And to the deepening humanitarian nightmare in Sudan, now entering its second year, with increased hostilities in El Fasher opening an alarming new chapter in this conflict. My Personal Envoy, Mr. Ramtane Lamamra, is working tirelessly on mediation efforts with all parties.
We need a concerted global push for a ceasefire, followed by a comprehensive peace process to end the bloodshed. The death, hunger, disease and displacement fuelled by these conflicts are playing out against a bleak backdrop. Many African countries are still suffering the impact of the pandemic, including higher rates of debt, limiting their capacity to fight poverty and hunger. Meanwhile, climate impacts are escalating, including droughts and ferocious flooding — as we saw recently in east Africa.
Rising geopolitical tensions are also having an impact on the continent. In some countries, we are seeing grave human rights violations and abuses, an epidemic of gender-based and sexual violence, a flouting of international law and a global climate of impunity. The human cost of these conflicts is breathtaking. And the cost to development is incalculable.
Mr. President, Now is the time to unleash Africa’s peace power. We need to strengthen Africa’s peace leadership — on the continent itself, and on the global stage. First — we need peace in Africa itself. Our partnership with Africa is based on the clear perception that we must work with the African Union based on the principle of African-led solutions for African problems. The United Nations fully supports Africa’s pursuit of peace through the African Union’s flagship Silencing the Guns initiative.
We stand shoulder-to-shoulder with our African partners to help ensure security, stability, and respect for human rights and the rule of law across the continent — in line with my New Vision for the Rule of Law. We’re working closely with the African Union to strengthen the foundations of stable, peaceful societies — including democratic processes and institutions that people can trust. We’re working closely with the African Union, ECOWAS and others to end the scourge of terrorism — including support for prevention, legal assistance, investigations, prosecutions, reintegration and rehabilitation, and human rights protection.
We fully support the establishment of the African Humanitarian Agency to help people caught within complex emergencies. And we’re supporting key processes to build peace in places where it is in short supply. I am pleased that this Council agreed to our longstanding call to support African Union-led peace support operations — including peace enforcement and counter-terrorism operations — with mandates from the Council and through assessed contributions covering a large chunk of the expenditure.
Resolution 2719 is a critical milestone.