Papua’s special authority within the framework of the Republic of Indonesia, is the solution?

From the Jakarta Journalists Forum (FWJ)
For immediate broadcast


Media – Talking about Papua, of course, talking about the Unitary State of the Republic of Indonesia, Freddy Numberi said in a Webinar session held by the Jakarta Journalists Forum (FWJ) Indonesia with the theme ‘Controversy over the Special Autonomy Law, and its solution’ on Tuesday afternoon (9/3/2021) in Jakarta.


According to him, the Papua problem becomes a shared responsibility. Various government policies that he has taken do not lie in the wrong application of the system, but the acceleration of development in Papua is more on processes and mechanisms that are more focused on the core problems.


“I see the lack of assistance, guidance and control supervision in determining perdasus and perdasus. This is what I regret,” said Ferddy.

The former Minister of Transportation of the Republic of Indonesia is of the opinion that in the future there will be no more communication errors between the Central Government and Regional Governments in the supervision and assistance of the Special Autonomy.


“Here we are talking not to blame each other, but the need for transparency in the special autonomy fund and other funds such as infrastructure development funds with clear details,” said Freddy.


The amount of budget allocated to Papua as a whole is quite large. He said the budget for Papua Province is 17 trillion and West Papua Province 7 trillion, so the use of existing funds must really be channeled to the people of Papua.

“This means that the government must be more transparent in the allocation of the Special Autonomy budget, so that the people’s economy can be absorbed according to the regulations. Because this nation can develop but cannot maintain, it is necessary to have real support so that regulations in the regional context to carry out the rules of orderly policies. well, this is where the role of journalists is questioned, “he explained.

“The function of journalists is important in the role of providing positive education in reporting. If journalists go directly to the Papuan people, ask how the community’s economy is there, we will fix it together, not necessarily blaming the region,” said Freddy.

Regarding the expansion in Papua, Freddy reminded the importance of prioritizing culture, so that future economic development is integrated in the context of how culture is based on anthropology, and not with any particular interest element.

In line with government policy, he reviewed the need for openness in democracy. As a large nation, the Government needs to provide openness in accepting all kinds of bitter input and need not criticize, but provide the best solution.

“There is a saying that experience is the best teacher, so the supervision of civilian members there must be tightened, by strengthening the existing pillars,” he explained.

In line with the growth rate of development in Papua, he assessed that the infrastructure built was adequate, this has also been conveyed by President Jokowi to focus on transportation-based development as a form of economic acceleration in all fields.

“The president’s target is that in 25 years Papua will be prosperous, because when building transportation all access is smooth, of course it will greatly support the populist economy,” he explained.

Separately, the Ministry of Home Affairs’ Sub-Directorate for Accelerated Development of Papua, Edward Semuel Renmaur, said that the cultural culture and conditions of the people in Papua are shared thoughts. He assessed the Papuan human resource literacy index is still lagging behind, but in this special autonomy he believes that the process of building quality human resources in Papua has an indicator of 71.39 points.

“I noted that there are 8 regencies and cities that are still below the indicators of their respective provinces, but it needs to be seen that the standard of Papua province is 63.60, so it is not too bad,” said Edward.

With the formulation, discussion, and enactment of the Law, Edward conveyed that extra assistance from the perdasus and perdasus was necessary, because since 2013 there were 18 and only 11 perdasus formed, and only 10 perdasus formed out of 15 formulated.

“Not in the sense that the special autonomy fund is being given too much, but we are still in the context of what needs to be built, here we must join hands in supporting the Papua Special Autonomy,” he added.

Edward also said that in terms of budget, the regional government and the central government were very transparent in the use of the special autonomy funds.

“So if people say that Otsus is not being felt, it can be seen from various views. Previously in Kerom there was a sewing training program for mothers, but what they understood was money from the Regent, even though the program came from Otsus funds, now from that Regency. There is an increase in HDI every year, so where did the otsus fail? I think the government has done its job well, “said Edward.

Seeing the controversy of Otsus, Papuan activist Ramly Uswanas took part in raising his voice, he commented that from the point of view of the Government’s perspective it has been very maximal, but from the point of view of the small community, Otsus has failed, but this special autonomy must be studied further with the government so that it can provide more understanding to the public. .

“There are many ways to implement it, it must be with special approaches. Of course, mentoring and supervision must be strengthened,” Ramly said.

The subjectivity, said Ramly, in the Papua Special Autonomy has made Papuans the focus of implementing the Government system. “Jokowi himself has done many things for Papua, he is very focused on the development of special autonomy, therefore we must sit together with the management of tribes and communities there to strengthen the development of Papua,” he added.

When viewed from the aspect of human rights and the politicalization of Papua, Professor of the University of Indonesia (UPI) Prof. Dr. Cecep Darmawan assessed that there was an element of interest, so it seemed that many Papuan problems had not been resolved properly. “I think that Otsus is one of the options for this problem, but this is how the Papuan people are prosperous. This is not a matter of how much money is disbursed, because it is not a guarantee, but how the government pays attention to the people of Papua to live in prosperity. then those who have international interests will run aground. “Beber Cecep.

According to him, in this composition, the Central Government will have a more important role in taking a cultural approach and maximizing information in a transparent manner.

“The Special Autonomy Law clearly does not take away the democratic rights of the Papuan people. We must prioritize the touch of the Papuan people as a whole, and of course return again in the context of discussing welfare that can provide comfort,” he explained.

Cecep also noted that the funds that had been disbursed over a period of more than 20 years were felt to be less effective. Therefore, he asked for acceleration from other Ministries to accelerate economic growth in Papua, because Otsus is only an option that Papua is within the framework of the Republic of Indonesia. “he said.

Meanwhile, the Head of the Sub-Directorate for Papua and West Papua Provinces of the Directorate General for Regional Autonomy at the Ministry of Home Affairs, Budi Arwan, emphasized that the Otsus discussion of Papua is a process, in which he hopes that in the future there will continue to be good improvements even though the process is tiered.

“This is a process, but what is more important is to take advantage of social supervision as a form of development of Papua’s special autonomy,” Budi said.

He stated that the role of the community and institutions has provided the best for Papua. In fact, he has often conveyed on various occasions that it is undeniable that there have been changes in Government policy in regional expansion. “It’s important to do because there have been many examples of progress in areas that have advanced with regional expansion,” explained Budi.

Here, Budi invites all elements of society and institutions outside the Ministry of Home Affairs to synergize with each other to solve the Papua special autonomy problem, especially the role of the media in reducing it. “We want all elements of society, other institutions and the role of the media to work together and guard central policies to support the acceleration of development in Papua,” he concluded. [***]

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